Random Blog The Whisky Club

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What the Twitter

A friend of mine introduced me to this thing called Twitter. I was like "what is dat? Tweeter for sound system or wat?" and he he said its a site where you can inform the whole world of what you're doing. -_-" I wonder why I would have an urge to tell everyone on this planet that I'm currently 'sleepin' or 'humpin' but hey... it got me all curious. It appears that Twitter is currently the MOST TALKED ABOUT web fad now.

So I had nothing to do today so I signed up and wondered how useful this stupid thing is going to be. You know, you can even use your phone to post up what ure doing to Twitter. THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOO Damn waste of time USeFUL MAN!!!! Before I close my comp today, I've suddenly thought maybe everyone is interested in what I'm about to do ...so..

twitter public timeline

First thing in the morning tomorrow I'm going to come here and find out what Mrs Thampinadam from Pakistan is doing. Hopefully she is makin that green curry I will never eat in my life nor smell nor see. But just to know...

4 shots of whisky:

DaphStar* said...

wats the point of this site??? very mo liu

Huei said...

hahha "interesting"!! =P

you have a nice site too! =D

Victor Tan said...

daphstar> you don't know meh??? nowadays mou liu is IN wei!

huei> =) thank u! =P

DaphStar* said...

Hhah...ya mo liu can earn you money. Ehh...link me la.