Random Blog The Whisky Club

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ho ho Alexandra!

Today I had a date with Alexandra. If you don't know who is she, well....I guess you haven't been paying much attention to my banner lately. She is de 'face' for muh blog and dat's just because this girl is just so photogenic. Nothin special just that I've promised her to bring her go eat steamboat. And may I say, the food is soooooooooo good!

Ho Ho Steamboat

We went to this place called Restaurant Ho Ho Steamboat. After eating, you'll be as fat as Santa...den you go Ho ho ho!

Very goodesness

I don't know how to express to you how good the food was...but this pic would've done it all. ... doesn't Alexandra just makes things looks more delicious?


She just love her 'Toiyao toiyao' (fishball) =P She is just so cute. -_-" I could barely withstand it.

Toiyau toiyao

Not to mention I almost lost control and hit a tree when she decided to change in my car to her uniform. -_-" Luckily I tied my two hands onto the steering wheels and plastered my eyes to the windscreen. *phew*

It's just too bad that she couldn't join me later on in Velvet as she gotta work. Anyone would just love her if you know her....but I in line ok?! Thanks for the great company and foooooooood. When is our next outing ar?

Oh yah...stop combing your hair can? *kekeke*

0 shots of whisky: