Random Blog The Whisky Club

Monday, April 2, 2007

De Dorcas


Yesterday I went to take a pendrive from Dorcas and we took a walk in the park. She brought along her new camera *cough* to show off *cough* to me. Dats cute. Anyways, we started comparing whose camera is better and started shooting each other in random poses. *keke*


A walk in the park

Its weird when I think about it, I actually knew her for like 9 years back and only now that I got to know her as a close friend. This gal damn stress one, almost all the time I would have to call her like 5 or more times and den wait for her to response. And lately, it seems like she also could never get me on the first call *cough* revenge *cough* LOL...just kiddin'...but I sorta got used to our impromptu and irregular but worth waitin for moments when we actually do meet.

A while back when I was bored at work I took a big marker pen and a liquid paper to draw a potrait of her. Now I know every angle of her face *keke* =P


Kei...i know i sux but with big marker pen and liquid paper wei!! wat u expect? Mona lisa ar? Then after she got her camera, she drew this. And she kept braggin that my camera can't draw things -_-. Yea leee sor doR~


Anyways, everytime we meet something funny or stupid always happens.Like last week we went One-Utama, as she have to but some Listerines and stuff.

Me & Dor

dordor with de astroboy diary i bought

Den after the long session of walkin around *pant**pant* I saw Heaven OSIM!! Check out the video =P *Caution, materials are potentially harmful for those weakhearted*

All in all, this friendship will be long lastin I hope =) Love ya to bits !!

shoe paktology

5 shots of whisky:

Anonymous said...

Your marker pen and liquid paper drawing is cute!

Victor Tan said...

=P thank u

Anonymous said...

She's hawt.
Ur marker/whiteout sketching was awesome too!

Victor Tan said...

irryyyyy> oooo...its called marker/whiteout isit? I thought I invented a new technique. KEkekeke

Anonymous said...

hahaa no no..market as in marker pen, whiteout as in liquid paper!
anywayyy still amazing!