Random Blog The Whisky Club

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trying to be funny

My camera is now not just a gadget for me to take pics, but also the thing I use to make me remember what happened when I'm drunk. Like I've said times and times again, it is not nice to forget super hot girls new friends that you meet.

Two days ago, I was walking down the shop lots outside of my housing area and I spotted tis.


MEMORY Specialist! Seems like I'm not the only one that have been losing their memory. I'm still wondering what they are really specialized in but if they are really indeed capable of bringing back my memory.... I'm going to get an appointment. I think my friend Alvin would also want one coz he have the same problem.

Sexy dancer makes man stress

Anyways,the conversation should be going something like this...

Me: Hey, thank God for your service man.
Specialist: No problem (Crazy guy ??)
Me: Hey...(takes out camera).. can you help me remember what I said to this girl yesterday ar??? (shows hot girl n me kissing)
Specialist: 0_0" I can't do that but I can recommend you a larger capacity memory stick.
Me: 0_0"

What a weird specialty no?

Then yesterday, I saw this poster at a bar while drinking with an old pal.

Beer is gooood shit

Heyy.... straight to the point. But if it really helps ugly people have sex with girls....then the girl who drank too much beer should be kinda fat too... It wouldn't sound that nice if they'd inserted that part.

'Beer, Helping Ugly People Have Sex with Fat Girls since 1863'. *kekekeke*

Then today, I was eating with my colleague in 'Oriental Cravings' at One Utama. They had this brochure which cracked me up.

Funny brochure

*kekekeke* Suddenly everyone is trying to be funny or wat?

0 shots of whisky: