Random Blog The Whisky Club

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Me+Me Meme!

I was looking through some old photos of my younger days. And I found one that have shed some divine light on me as though God is trying to tell me something. TA DA!!!!


I'm born a blogger!!! I've found my purpose in life! *kekeke*

I was laughin my ass off takin the second pic. KAkekkek! (Question: How come my eyes are bigger when I'm younger? and I look more like a problogger when I was young compared to now -_-")

To justify this stupid act, I'm starting this meme. Post a pic of you imitating yourself when you're a kid (I hope some girls meme their baby naked pics *kekeke*)

As for now, I'm taggin' all this bloggers down here.

Johnson Teoh

2 shots of whisky:

reverendtimothy said...

Your eyes weren't bigger ... your head was just smaller! :-P hehehe

~indulgeAngel~ said...

vic....u were so cute then...what happened??? (kidding)