Random Blog The Whisky Club

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sarang He Kim Ah-Joong

I cannot take it anymore, I think about her when I sleep, when I eat and when I'm drunk.. argh...even at work I only kept watching her video on youtube. *Super beh ta han*

I have to confess!!! But I can't reach her, I don't have her email or her contact number... so this is my last resort.. my blog. Hopefully she will bump into it one day.. like a message in a bottle floating in the sea. This one is worse, a message in a blog floating in cyberspace. My odds are slim but I need to let it out..


Dear Kim,

First of all, congratulation on all the awards that you’ve been winning. I truly feel you deserve such achievement cos you’re not only beautiful but extremely talented.

I’m so mesmerized by your beauty but only second to the innocence potrayed by you in the "200 pound beauty"..So much so that I’ve fallen in love .... with someone that might not even exist. Now I’m left with no one to confess this feeling to but to you... the person that have brought this character to life. So Kim Ah-Joong, here is to you...

"You’re so beautiful...even when you cry"
"So damn gorgeous, til I can die
"I’m in Malaysia, you’re in Korea"
"Why oh why?"
"I love you so much, and I want to make you mine"
"Just like the stars twinklin in the sky"
"This feeling of mine will always shine"
"I’ll walk to you til my legs hurt"
"Til my eyes becomes blur with tears"
"And even if by then you gain back your 200 pounds"
"I’ll put on a few pounds just for you"
"I really don’t mind, you’re too beautiful" (and I’m already getting fat anyways *kekeke*)
"I know you love me, I can feel it too"
"I felt it straight away when I heard you singing ’byul’"

Sarang he

Victor Tan.

2 shots of whisky:

Unknown said...

i know exactly how you feel dude, im in the same spot :(

except im in the philippines, which is worse considering the difficulty of a filipino obtaining a korean visa hehe


Unknown said...

i know exactly how you feel dude, im in the same spot :(

except im in the philippines, which is worse considering the difficulty of a filipino obtaining a korean visa hehe
