Random Blog The Whisky Club

Friday, May 2, 2008

18 Questionable Ways to Make a Girl Like You

Some experts online wrote some ways to get a girl to like you. I just have somethings to add on lah...

1 . Tell her she is beautiful, not hot, fine or sexy.

Don't say cute

I think that ruled out cute too. Bugger... why never say cute oso cannot say!!

2 . Kiss her on the forehead.

3 . Always tell her you love her at any and all times.

Dato in love

2 n 3 Well executed.....But not your first time meeting her lah bro~!. *lol*

4 . When she is upset hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.

Leanne is hotz

Can hold or not if she is happy?

5 . Recognize the small things . . . they usally mean the most.

Small things that matters

Sometimes it is easier said that done. =/

6. Pick her up, tickle her and play-wrestle with her.

Pick up girls... literally

I picked them up ... but DAMN IT!! I forgot to tickle and play-wrestle.

7. Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes.

Does telling the whole world stupid jokes count?

8. Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missed her.

Beautiful girls

Her father come down with the chopping knife then you know.. mati chop 18 pieces let dog eat.

9. Carve your names into a Tree.

ryan kissing my beloved JW

Carve onto bottle of whisky count or not?

10 . If she's mad at you, kiss her.

Cindy Gooi rocks my socks

This one is suicidal with Malaysian girls... nope.. not gonna risk that. Better just keep quiet. Better just stick to kissing when she is drunk.

11. Bring her Flowers just because.

Just because flowers... is cheaper than LV BAG!!! YEA!!! Finally an advise that make sense!

12 . Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone.

Dreamin of hootchimomma

You mean talk about dirty stuff oso ah? Siao meh!

13. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.

It is almost always the other way round *kekeke* Plus this is the problem oso...

Blogger problem

Dilemma of being a blogger

14 . Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing.

She will think I'm crazy... no?

15 . Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.

Me singing

16 . Kiss her in the rain.

Malaysia rain like kucing and anjing lah! Plus which char boh will risk ruining their make up nowadays. You think 1960s meh.

17. If you're in love with her . . . Tell her.

I have to stress again lah.. Not the first time. *kekeke*

18 . Play with her hair.

Super afro lady

Sometimes... you just feel like cutting them off. SCISSORS PLS!


You know what.. to make things easier.. just make her drunk =P

4 shots of whisky:

Anonymous said...

Girls don't like to be touched if they are upset. I got in big trouble once.


Anonymous said...

Girls don't like to be touched if they are upset. I got in big trouble once.


Tim Chew said...


Those are Western methods ler...do some of those in M'sia sure die wan.

Vic why don't you come up with a M'sian version?

Victor Tan said...

anonymous> touch them when they are drunk *wink

tim> i don't kno bout msian method la. that's why no gf leh.how?