Random Blog The Whisky Club

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bimbo moronic entry

I just bumped into this 'Family guy' video and found it freaking hilarious insultin to bimbo girls. Hey... think about it ....without them, g-strings won't be invented, heck... without them life would be so harsh *sweat*

Go go Paris Hilton!!! *rolls matchbox car over bumpy mountains*

But honestly, not relli into this sorta girls. Nice to look, nice to touch, but can't hold a decent conversation. Sienzzzzzzzzz desu ne~~ but still....nice to look nice to touch =P HeY!!! GoD maDE mE ThiS Way!!!

2 shots of whisky:

Cherry Popcorn said...

Haha.. That's cute!!! That little boy has such old voice!!!

There's bimbo in girls. I wonder if there's a male's version?

Victor Tan said...

princess shin> errr....dumbo!? nah....we guys all smart one =P