Random Blog The Whisky Club

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Female Bosses

It is me or lately alot of woman have been climbing up the corporate ladder? My mom is the boss of my family business and my next partner is the boss of the MOF brand. I think more than 50% of the time, when I meet a boss or someone in high position, they are of my opposite sex.

Christina. Me. Rachel They are really like my boss at the table. 'I want drink!' ... 'yes boss! right away!'

Ya know, I used to tell jokes about this while I was in college telling everyone that soon we guys will all be cooking, doing the dishes, taking care of children and playing mah jong while our wifes makes the money. But I think it is not a joke anymore lah... since it is already real. *enrolls for cooking class to secure my future as a future house husband* *lol*

June n Brigette

But I do see why we guys have a disadvantage as compared to female. Most retail products are targeted to females, females does most of the money spending, and most advertisements are aimed towards females as they are more subjective to emotional elements. Which is why they are becoming more competent in the corporate world cos we know guys knows nuts about female. Actually even in clubbing oso..

Codee doing her stuff

Nonetheless, it is great that now we have so much to learn from them. So as long as they don't start painting the office pink and make me drink my tea out of a hello kitty cup... its fine by me =P.

Ninja Girl

Plus, I think great woman are those that knows how to handle a man and let him be one. There is nothing left in this world that is really to our name except being 'da Man'. Don't you agree guys?

Shanel de Supermodel

Surprisingly, some girls do agree with what I say. Like I said, great woman. We guys are really just simple lah.. we just want appreciation and our man time. Itu saja mah!

My head currently hurts like a kukubird kena kicked trying to make last amends to my up and coming partnership agreement. Come to think of it, relationship is like a joint venture between two person.

Me n Alice

The only difference is, most of the time male and female communicate differently... you don't talk it out like in business and there is no black and white. I think there will be less issues if they do; but then again it might not be such a good idea.

Alice n Friends

Imagine this..

Guy: Before we get into a relationship, we gotta spell out everything that we want and what we aim for in this relationship. ok?
Girl: Yea.. whatever.
Guy: Ok.. start with me. I will invest most of my weekends on you. During my working hours, I will need my space. During World Cup and when my favorite team plays... I will need my TV... and I want sex at least twice a day and you got to give me two babies in the future.
Girl: If that is the case, I want nothing. You can have sex with yourself, you can have your Tv & space... and I'll take your bestfriend, Vincent. Nice doing business with you.

Yeap.. not a good idea at all.

The Gang

My birthday is coming up in 3 days time. Will be celebrating at Velvet 14th June counting down to the big day where I take one step closer to 'uncleship'. Wooopeee -_-"

Spidey on her back

So come ya and celebrate with me =)

1 shots of whisky:

@miccoelaine said...

awesome black widow tat :)