Random Blog The Whisky Club

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm Too Rich

Behind all my drunken endeavours, there lies a very deep secret. Something that I've never share with anyone before. But I feel it is time to spill out and come clean.

It's been too long now that I've been keeping this a secret. And pretending to be someone else isn't really cutting it anymore.

Alot of people don't know it. But I have a very nice European sports car and a yatch nicely kept somewhere. Mmmm...

my red ferrari

I have to admit, I'm rich.

In fact, filthy rich to the extent that you can say multi-million dollar can?

I know, it rocks being me sometimes. And if this goes out, I'm sure everyone will be very jealous.

Plus I've been getting luckier and luckier these few days. That is the wonder with technology these days. Just yesterday I made 3 million just by clicking a few buttons. Crazy.

Don't believe me? I don't gain anything from lying to you lor.

Ok fine. I'll provide proof. I'll show you my account.

mypoker profile

Damn facebook. Only give us hope. And nothing else. -_-" Cheebye.

My ferrari is the size of my thumb -_-"


0 shots of whisky: