Random Blog The Whisky Club

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Who is happiest during CNY?

Damn it, can't wait for Chinese New Year man! Its been 2 years since I didn't celebrated CNY and somehow I don't feel that Chinese anymore because of that. Can't wait for all my friends to gather and lose all their money to ME!! MUAHAHAHA!!

Yeap! You guy owe me two years of ANG POW, plus all the money I should've won. This is also the first year that I finally learned how to play Mah Jong thanks to Cindy Chan and gang! Sigh, miss playing mah jong with my sifus. Not gonna put any pics up for this post coz to be honest pretty lazy already =) and I gotta wake up in 3 hrs to go Johor. Man, I'm going to miss MAMBO this wednesday. But no worries parteh people, I'll be back in a jiffy.

By the way, I still remember every CNY sure got blocks everywhere. Aiya, you know why la. Seems like I'm not going to be the happiest person this coming CNY. We know who are the happiest =) Shhhh.... just make sure got spare change in your wallet when you go drinkin'. Haahaha. Let me practice my speech to perfection first...

Up and comin' scenario this CNY

Drunken me: Boleh tolong encik? Saya driver saja la.. minum sikit saje..
*Encik*: Mau tolong macam mana?
Drunken me: Tak de banyak, ni saje.. nanti mau makan lagi..
*Encik*: Ok la... lain kali jangan ok?

*I drives away* and he starts to..

*shakes head*


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