Random Blog The Whisky Club

Monday, October 8, 2007

LORD OF THE beaRING part 1

Finally, the long anticipated video shoot that I've been planning for the past two months have started. It started 5 a.m this morning when the sun is still sleeping and I have to move my lazy butt out of the bed. Can't remember the last time I woke up at 5a.m. Sleep at 5 a.m got lah *ekkekee*

One thing I know now about professional video shooting. It is not a play play go Velvet and take picture kinda thing. The crew that is in charge for my video production consist of 12 person.

Engineer at work

I was expecting mebbe 4 or 5 coz I'm not trying to produce some blockbuster movie. But after watching today's shooting process which took into consideration angle,

Sumone humping our engineer!

lighting, the right emotion, movement, speed of movement, and every spec of dust and dandruff, ... *wah liu* Takes 3 hours to take a 3 second shot. Not to mention, the amount of repainting work,

SLS lorry n the engineers from China

making new uniforms, name tags, finding the right people to appear in the video. I don't think God himself cared so much in his movie 'The making of the humans' *ekkeke* Ok lame..

So I've reach my conclusion ....due to the high quality production plus the extensive amount of resources (MONEY!!) that is put into it... I'm going to open a DVD store to sell this latest blockbuster video. Still thinking bout a title... 'The Return of the Bearing' or mebbe 'Lord of the beaRing'.

Heating the bearing

You don't know what is bearing?... it is like the most coolest hippest thing nowadays leh *tsk tsk*

Sorry yah... ranting too much. Really very 'pening' after running around 3 locations for the shoot and mending all the necessary props and cast. Oh yah.. did I tell you Linda is in this latest hollywood blockbuster??


The meeting shot

Linda our spokesperson

Now you feel like watching leh!?

Coming soon, in your nearest cinema.

Ooo...so professional one ar?

3 shots of whisky:

Anonymous said...

Wow, small world.

I know that camera man in your photos. He used to work for me. LOL

Anonymous said...

May I know whats the budget for this video?

Victor Tan said...

anonymous> 60k =/