Random Blog The Whisky Club

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ultimate Confession

Do you remember those moments in your life when you have words that you want to say to someone special to you but its so hard to. Those words that always seems to choke up all inside when you see her, even if she is like 1 kilometer away .. your heart beats at turbo speed. Ya, I remember those times... it felt like crap. It's like you wanna pang sai (take a dump) but cannot come out like dat.

But this guy is my hero lah.... damn pro wei~~ *kekekeke* Damn love the part when he says "I can wait til your boyfriend dies" *lmao!!!!* To the girl that this is going to, 'try' him lah... but don't forget you need to pay for your bus fair k? *ekkekek*

I give up, I'm giving this blog to him. My hero *lmao*

2 shots of whisky:

Chicken Ball said...

this is classic! man! LOL!

lurker said...

and the quote ' i dun care you old, coz i am not new either'
